Yes, you herd it right. Now all of our Indian Students can go and study there in Germany for Free. The Education in Germany is free and the German government is promoting zero tuition fees for both Bachelors and Masters degree.
A lot of questions may arise , like
What is the percentage score which will make me eligible for studying in Germany at zero Tuition fees ?
In general German grades upto 2.5 they accept in Germany.
Do I need to learn German language ?
Its always advantageous to learn German language upto B2 Level. It will help you further getting students Job, Internships and finally your dream Job.
Upto what level should I learn German language ?
Upto B2 level is always recommended, however till B1 level also goes well and one can learn further language levels being in Germany itself.
Should I write IELTS or any other English level exam as well ?
Yeah, its very very possible to study in Germany in English Medium. Again you can study both Bachelors and Masters degree in English medium, no worries guys!!!
Can I study Engineering in Germany ?
Yeah you can study all the streams of Engineering in Germany.
Can I study MBBS, Medicine in Germany ?
Yeah , very much , if you got a low NEET score in India then you can definitely try for Germany as its already told that becoming a Doctor in Germany is highly rewarding and its completely Free. One important thing here must be noted that Medicine in Germany can be done only in German Medium.
Can I become a successful doctor in Germany ?
Yeah MBBS in Germany is a 7 years Journey and its highly rewarding and Germany provides one of the best health care system in the world. Siemens and most of the medical equipment manufacturing companies are from Germany only.
How much time should I put in spare to do my process smoothly ?
One should start at least one year in Advance if he or she is willing to study in Germany for free. So guys please keep one year spare time. Its highly recommended that one should start from 10th Standard onwards if he is a bachelor degree Aspirant and from 2nd year college onwards if he is a masters degree Aspirant.
An expert counselor would be really a great help towards all this questions, as the answer to most of the above question is a ‘YES’
And The Way Is
Now the thing here is that for becoming great in this life one must start living with great personalities. You become what you follow, watch, eat, listen or read. So folks be careful while selecting people around you. The best way of progress is to make a circle of passionate and creative people and stay away from non productive of destructive people. By and large a lot of youth these days running towards Instagram and other social media platforms. Again its not bad using Instagram but what for are you using it really what makes you a smart guy ?
Folks its all upto you , what you gonna do with your time. Because time is the only currency which exists on this planet in its true sense. In your twenties try to gain more and more knowledge and in your thirties try to gain more and more working experience so that in your forties and fifties you could lead a peaceful life in beautiful mountains on this earth.
Trust me guys, your work hard today and live peaceful tomorrow or you waste your time today and work hard once you grow older. Choice is all yours and remember forever “you are an outcome of your choices only, your choices can make you or break you”
The Guru
Our expert counselor Mr. Hitesh Sharma is an IITian alumni and he loves to help and support student community with a great heart and with all due diligence. We suggest you to get in touch with Komal Rangwani Madam at her whatsapp contact nos +91 9119176344 or +91 9887020529 for the booking of a counseling session or for knowing further about how it goes and how could you become eligible for studying in Germany at Zero Tuition Fees.
Study in Germany any bachelor degree for free, study in Germany any masters degree for free!!!
For becoming successful one must look for a right mentor, for a right guru. Your search ends when you become able to find the right guru. A right person could make your life or a defaulter could push you in the dark and can take all your money. So be very careful while selecting your mentor or Guru. One more thing towards which we would like to grab your attention is that, these days people are so materialistic that they can spend their hard earned money on buying cars or expensive cell phones for their kids but when its the matter of paying the right fees to the right consultant then they just pull back their hands and such behavior from parents or students is really difficult to understand.
Happy Ending
The message here is , please put your money in the assets which will help you building your personality and your career and your future rather than just spending and investing the money in mere gadgets or materialistic things. Material will vanish but your knowledge will stay with you till your last breathe.
Mr. Hitesh is fond of writing and if you are a German language enthusiast , you could read about him upon Quora or upon Medium. Thanks for reading about us.